History and Politics

 The Rosalila Temple in the Copan Ruinas Museum

Like most of the world, Honduras has been populated by many Indigenous people before the Europeans founded it. Around 1000 BCE, Mayan city, Copán, began to flourish in what we know today as Honduras. Copán was significant in Honduran history artistically, agriculturally, educationally, and culturally. The Mayans were developed in astrology studies and they also were developed in trading reaching far as Central Mexico. Unfortunately, the city began to decline around the 9th century, about 800 CE, and Mayan civilization slowly expired.

 Other civilizations inhabited Honduras like the largest settlers of Honduras, the Lenca tribe, who had contact with other Mayan civilizations as well as many other ancient people of Cental America and Mexico. As time passes to the 1500s, the first European settlers arrived, leaded Christopher Columbus. I learned He named the place Hondurameaning “depths” because of thcoast waters were so deepShortly after, Hernán Cortés arrived, a Spanish conquistador. He wanted to conquer Honduras, so he sent Cristóbal de Olid to conquer it for him. Of course, there were other power-hungry conquerors who wanted Honduras, so that created war between other Spanish conquers. Also, war between the Indigenous people of Honduras and the Spanish conquerors, for their land and riches. A warrior chief of the Lenca tribe, Lempira, put together hundreds of tribes to defeat the Spanish from evading, but he eventually died by the Spanish. After Lempiras death, the native people of Honduras were under Spanish control. The Indigenous population declined, and they were placed under individual Spanish settler's control. The conquerors gained income by selling natives into slavery throughout the Caribbean and panama. They also made money by the land's riches, like mining gold and silver. African slavery was introduced in Honduras and by 1545, they had thousands of slaves. When mining production began to decline in 1560s, Honduras began to grow poor and lose structure leaving a population of mixed races and ethnicities including mestizos, African, European, Spanish identities. Honduras became independent from the Spanish around 1821.

 Skip to today's time, Juan Orlando Hernández became President of Honduras on January 27, 2014 of the national party. Honduras still has a lot of room for growth within their country. The country has issues of  povertyand violence, having one of the largest murder rates in the world. Honduras also struggles with distributing income, and employment. They also have issues socially, The article "Afro-Hondurans" by Minority Rights Group states,"Garífuna and Creoles, as Afro-Hondurans, have a history of organizing together against racial discrimination. In the 1970s they founded La Organización Fraternal Negro Hondureño (OFRANEH) (Fraternal Black Honduran Organization) which is still active". Minority groups have a hard time there as well. I will never have respect for anyone who hates another for their race, but this problem occurs everywhere. Positive movements have been developed in Honduras where some authorities have created programs for the Indigenous people and people of African descent. With hope, the country is always praying for liberty and peace. I also see a lot of the same problems  around the whole world. One day we all hope to see better changes to our world.  



Works Cited 

“A Culture of Peace through Restorative Justice in Honduras.” IDLO, 21 Nov. 2019, www.idlo.int/fr/news/highlights/culture-peace-through-restorative-justice-honduras. 


  1. I like how towards the end you skipped to a time period that was closer to our current year and started to explain how to issues of the country affect everyday life in Honduras. Overall very visually appealing and full of information.

  2. Your blog looks professional with how you've designed your page and how you've separated your pages from your blog post. You go into a lot of detail about the history and politics of Honduras. Naming Honduras after the depths of the ocean is a pretty interesting fact. It was sad to read that Honduras has one of the highest murder rates in the world. One thing I Will say is to maybe tie in one more picture in the middle paragraph so the blog flows.


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